Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Differentiate physical change from chemical change S5MT-Ic-d-2.3 (Activity Sheet)

Changes that Materials Undergo

Learning Competency with code:
            Differentiate physical change from chemical change S5MT-Ic-d-2.3

    A. Identify if the statement describe a PHYSICAL or CHEMICAL change.

____ 1. Shape, phase, size of the material can change
____ 2. Not easily reversed
____ 3. New products is form
____ 4. Often just a state change
____ 5. Often heat/ light/sound occur
____ 6. Easily reversible
____ 7. Reactants used up
____ 8. No new products
____ 9. It is temporary change
____ 10. It is permanent change
____ 11. Composition of matter does not change
____ 12. Composition of matter completely change

B. Can you recognize the chemical and physical change that happen all around us. If you change the way something looks but haven’t made a new substance, physical change (P) occurred. If the substance has been change into another substance chemical change (C) has occurred.
1.___An ice cube is placed under the sun. Later there is a puddle of water, later still the puddle is gone.
2.___Two chemical are mixed together and a gas is produce.
3.___A bicycle changes color as it rust.
4.___A solid is crushed to a powder.
5.___Two substance are mixed and light is produced.
6.___A piece of ice melts and reacts with sodium.
7.___Mixing salt and pepper
8.___Chocolate syrup is dissolved in milk
9.___A marshmallow is toasted over a campire.
10.___A marshmallow is cut in half.

            Chemical change result from a chemical reaction, while physical change is when matter changes forms but not chemical identity.


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